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Finally, since the camera is always used in a computer-tethered workflow, there is no need for a video monitor or remote control access. Otherwise, it inherits all the features and proven design of the Miro Family of cameras. There are four BNC connectors on the camera that provide programmable signaling:. It is called “Aux 1” in PCC. It is called “Aux 2” in PCC. Also, there is no analog or digital video output. A kit containing these items is available as are individual items as needed.
We have feedback from customers about the need for a 1 megapixel camera with smaller pixels than the 20 micron pixels on the LAB Smaller pixels have advantages in some applications. The LAB3a10, in fact, is a 1. The square aspect ratio is also an advantage in many imaging applications.
Now, you can choose whichever 1 Mpx camera best meets your needs. Your sales representative can give you more details about the advantages and disadvantages of large versus small pixels.
Sensor coverage will only be a consideration if you have a C-mount on the camera. These new features can be enabled with a free firmware and software upgrade, which is available on our website.
Visit the Support section of this website and locate the Flex4K to download the firmware and instructions. Resolution: When working with ProRes, the camera must be set to full sensor resolution x only.
The files in the mag are about 2. The camera must load the files for playback, which takes about 5 seconds. This process will happen automatically each time a ProRes file is recorded into the mag or playback is initiated. Also unique to ProRes playback are the supported video formats. Not supported are i, p modes, anamorphic settings and larger zoom settings. Vision Research chose to enable ProRes HQ as the initial format, based on the inherent quality and compression value when compared to Cine Raw files.
We feel that if higher quality is required, then Cine RAW is still an acceptable option. And lower quality formats are more likely used in addition to the Cine RAW, which are better left to be converted outside of the camera. We will consider adding formats and resolutions at a later date. However, no guarantee or time frame can be stated at this time. Audio works at sync-sound frame rates and above. Audio is enabled with the audio menu on the camera body, and levels are provided on the camera menu by scrolling right with the select knob.
The files are downloaded from PCC as uncompressed. The wav files are 48KHz at up to bit, and the camera supports re-sampling of other frequencies. Audio can be monitored from the camera live using the headphone jack on the camera body or more accurately with the AES out via the Aux2 port on the Minibob.
At sync-sound frame rates matching with video rates the camera will play back the audio from the camera RAM. When not matched the camera will not provide audio playback. Audio playback is not supported from the CineMag at this time. With the Flex4K selected, choose the appropriate CineMag memory size in order to simulate recording direct to that CineMag. Record Time Calculator page.
The most obvious difference is the pixel resolution: The original Phantom Flex aka Flex 2K , has a 2. There are many other differences, which we have tried to capture here:.
These mount to the top of the camera. They mount in the side camera enclosure of the Flex4K, and are not compatible with the earlier cameras. The pixel size is 10 microns.
The Flex4K is also supermm but with a full resolution of x and with 6. The dynamic range is higher, and the overall noise level of the Flex4K is significantly lower than the Flex 2K.
Another difference is that the Flex4K has a progressive scan shutter with less than 1ms scan time , and the Flex 2K has a global shutter. Regarding color processing, the Flex4K operates from the newer Phantom protocol, which lets you set the white balance in Kelvin as opposed to RGB gains like previous Phantom cameras.
Powerful image processing controls like tone curves and color matrix are also possible with the Flex4K. The Flex 2K has basic controls on the left side of the camera. The camera needs to be connected to a viewfinder or monitor to see the menu and settings change. The Flex4K has similar controls on the left side, but on the right side there is a new full menu system that lets you control every setup and control parameter of the camera.
This full menu is displayed on a built-in LCD screen. The Flex 2K has two volt power inputs. One can be used as the main AC power watt power supply , and the other can be connected to a stand battery to use as a battery backup. When using The Flex 2K has two 1. The two outputs can work together to provide a p signal. Two of the outputs can be used together for a dual-link 4K signal.
The camera can be set to continuously monitor the live feed where 2 of the outputs play back what was captured to camera RAM or the CineMag IV. It mounts in the side enclosure of the camera as opposed to the earlier CineMags, which mounts on top with a pogo-pin connection.
The camera supports:. The 2x REC outputs can be configured as individual p outputs or used together to provide a dual-link 4K video output. Video scaling: When capturing at 4K resolution and outputting at p for example the camera will always scale the video to p. All outputs are grouped together to display the same output. Various zoom ratios can be set from the camera body to help set focus. Production area rectangles and threshold mode are also available for the VF and MON outputs to help judge framing and exposure.
At 24 FPS you can record for about 56 minutes. Visit our Record Time Calculator. The camera body weighs in at 14 lbs 6. It is roughly the size of the original Flex. Download the Flex4K Mechanical Drawing. There are two main benefits from oversampling on the Phantom Flex camera:. Unfortunately, in the fast-paced and sometimes hectic production environment, sufficient care is not used when putting a CineMag onto a camera. The result can be bent or broken pins on the CineMag interface.
On previous cameras, this could bring the production to a halt and the camera had to be returned to Vision Research for service. On the Phantom Flex, this can be easily fixed by replacing the pin array assembly on the camera — and, it is an end-user repair. A spare pin array assembly is included with the camera, and a damaged one can be returned to Vision Research for replacement for a nominal fee.
While the new dual-fan cooling system on the Phantom Flex runs very quiet, the fans are automatically slowed down and become even quieter when shooting in HQ mode AND while recording directly to the CineMag.
This is the most likely recording scenario where synchronized sound is also recorded. At all other times in Standard mode and in loop recording the fans will run at whatever speed is required to keep the camera at a constant temperature.
Typically, this will not occur except for very, very long takes. This is a feature that is critical in sports broadcast replay applications. The camera operator can always be looking at or recording the live action, while the controllers in an OB truck for example can be viewing, saving or even airing a slow-motion playback stored in the camera.
This feature, in addition to true HD resolution and great light sensitivity is what has propelled the v into the position as the most popular ultra-slow-motion broadcast camera. HQ mode uses a proprietary technology to enhance each frame of your shot. Each frame is analyzed for noise and image artifacts that can occur under continuously changing shooting environments.
Using HQ mode means that you will always get the best images possible even when changing frame rates, exposure settings, resolution, or if ambient and camera temperatures are changing.
Use this mode when you are changing camera settings often or working in an ever-changing physical environment and when you need your last shot of the day to look just as good as your first shot. However, saved cine files are the same size as in Standard Mode and recording directly to CineMag has the same speed and size specifications as Standard Mode. If you find yourself in an application where you need very, very short exposure times, you may need to use Standard mode.
In HQ mode, the Phantom Flex uses some of the time during the frame acquisition to enhance the image for that frame. This time is not available for digital exposure. So, the exposure times in HQ mode are a bit more limited than in Standard mode.
See the FAQ on this topic for more explanation. In Standard mode you can shoot with exposure times as short as 1 microsecond. That is very close to a 0 degree shutter angle! You might need that in rare situations where you are trying to stop all motion blur and you have enough light to shoot at extremely small exposures. The HQ mode needs time to do the frame-specific image enhancements that are key to the mode.
And, it needs to do this as the frame is acquired. The time it takes for these enhancements is not available to the camera as digital exposure time. The greater the frame rate, the less time there is for digital exposure. As you lower the frame rate, the available time increases so that at 24 fps for example , the range is 7 degrees to degrees. This will be a very rare situation. At x in HQ mode the minimum exposure will be about microseconds, generally good enough to stop motion for most applications.
The Phantom software might look different based on the screen resolution of your monitor. We rearranged the software components to maximize the space for the resolution of your monitor. Phantom PCC control and download software is designed and maintained by Vision Research and works with modern Windows operating systems.
There is no native Mac control software at this time. Seance can be purchased from www. A cine file is the name we give to the Vision Research proprietary file that holds the images in the camera memory. The file can be written to a disk drive and then read and manipulated with the Vision Research Phantom Software.
The file format is “lossless” meaning all of the sensor data is available without any compromise or compression. If you save the file as cine RAW, the file contains the uninterpolated raw sensor data. If you save as just a cine file, the file contains RGB information for each pixel interpolated from the raw sensor data. Phantom Flex 2K , HD, v64X, older cameras and monochrome cameras will import but the white balance may not be correct.
Files can be opened individually, or batches of files can be processed with the batch-cine convert tool in PCC. Popular video formats are. When converting to a batch of stills, a naming convention is required.
Other naming conventions exist for different scenarios. Refer to the PCC software manual for further instructions. Navigate to the folder and hold down the Shift key or Control key to select the desired files. When converting any number of cine files to a batch of stills, a naming convention is required. The best way is to use the Quicktime plugin from Glue Tools. You can even drag cine files directly onto the FCP timeline and edit them without rendering. When you close out of the playback window the displayed image will be there, ready to be saved in a variety of formats.
MPEG 1 and 2 have been removed from the current versions of Phantom software due to licensing issues. Please note that the Miro JBox cannot accept other Phantom cameras.
Prior to introduction of the Flex4K in the Bluetooth dongle was larger and had an external antenna. Both dongles work the same, however the older one does not physically connect to the Flex4K. Older v-Series cameras such as the v7. There is also a Bluetooth version of the BOB for wireless control. The transmission range of the Bluetooth dongle varies a lot depending on the environment.
When used in a straight line without many obstructions or other wireless interference the Bluetooth range can be over meters, or feet. However, in an environment with electronic interference and physical obstructions the range will be less, but usually still at least up to 30 meters.
Phantom Miro cameras have no Remote port, and as such the Bluetooth-Dongle is not directly compatible or supported. However, a third-party solution exists — it is manufactured by Abel Cine. Link to product:. The CineMag was created to securely and efficiently save the raw data from the camera RAM as quickly as possible. Cine Raw files are stored in a bit packed LOG format. There are officially three different types of CineMag, listed below along with a camera compatibility chart.
Both versions of CineStation are available with 10Gb Ethernet for the fastest possible Cine file download. The best portable solution we have found is using a laptop computer with Thunderbolt, and a ThunderboltGb Ethernet converter. For example, several models of the HP Z-book have Thunderbolt. Optimize the entire system for the best results. The data saved on the CineFlash are stored as Cine files, and the CineFlash dock can be used to move the data without any proprietary software once appropriate drivers are installed.
Data saved on the CineMag is saved with no file structure, and Cine files are created on download from the camera body or compatible CineStation using software. Of course, the size of the CineFlash may limit the number of files you can save.
But, assuming all files are small, there is currently a software imposed limit of files that can be saved. We are considering changing that to a higher limit. If you have a need for more than , let us know! This document will provide a step by step procedure for performing an update to the firmware in a Phantom camera. Here are several recommendations from our technicians to ensure that you have a successful firmware upgrade:.
The sync to trigger function allows temporally consistent and replicable start of acquisition frames exposures in relation to the trigger signal actuation. To best understand this feature it is worth reviewing how the frame synchronization f-sync clock pulse is used in Phantom cameras. Download PDF. The Burst Mode Acquisition feature, designed for use in PIV Particle Imaging Velocimetry , combustion, or other applications where precise and repeatable frame acquisition is required, has been introduced on selected Phantom v-Series cameras.
A Phantom camera using the Burst Mode Acquisition feature will capture a programmable number of frames for each f-sync pulse, in both internal and external sync modes.
The interval between the frames in a burst can be set independently of the sample rate frame rate. Certifies that all Vision Research cameras are produced in the U. S in accordance with the applicable manufacturing specifications, drawings, instructions, and controls. EC Declaration of Conformity document for Phantom models:. EC Declaration of Conformity document for models:.
EC Declaration of Conformity document for the Phantom v4. Download File. AMETEK has over 11, colleagues working at more than 80 manufacturing facilities and more than sales and service centers around the world.
You may download a copy of that agreement here. For more information about our Developer Program, contact support visionresearch. If you would like to submit a cine file or slow-motion video file for use on our web gallery or in our marketing, please download, complete, and send this Permission to Use document to us. If you would rather download a Word document click here.
EC Declaration of Conformity for Phantom models :. Click here to request. Provides a simple to perform that allows users to verify the system is functioning as expected before proceeding to data collection of a more complex configuration. This is a discontinued product.
Graphics cards today have a programmable processing unit that can be exploited as a general processing device, especially for image manipulations. This technical note tells you how. Each Phantom camera and certain accessories have a unique serial number which will be needed for registering your product, for getting technical support and for requesting software and firmware updates on the Vision Research website.
This document is a guide to help you find that information, based on the model and body style of your Phantom camera. Some common examples are pictured here. Did you know that you can use wildcards to create custom names for cine files with PCC? This is especially handy if you have a batch of cine files in a camera that you want to save using your own naming conventions. Take a look! Our popular blog series on how to boost camera sensitivity using gain and the resulting trade-offs is now available as a single Phantom Note.
To learn more about how a high-speed sensor works, and how sensitivity can be manipulated, download the document here. Describes the types of memory used in Phantom cameras, what is stored in each type, and how much of it is accessible by the end user.
Ensuring peak performance and maximum return on investment over the life of your equipment. We will deliver this by:. The goal of total customer satisfaction and continuous quality improvement throughout our business is achieved using the following systems and procedures. Vision Research Customer Community Menus. Maintenance, Support and Education that delivers ultimate satisfaction and operational confidence for the user.
Other Resources. Article on Shutter Angles at Wikipedia. Basic photography tutorials. Three point lighting tutorial. Software Downloads. Frequently Asked Questions Collapse All. Phantom Miro N5 Collapse.
Can the Miro N5 accept C-mount lenses? I see the Miro N5 has a serial number. Can it be sent in for repair? CXP cable Collapse. Do I need to buy the CXP cable separately? What if the CXP cable breaks?
Can I use any CXP cable, or is there a special one? Do I need to buy a System cable to connect to the JBox? General Information Collapse. Do your products have a CE Declaration? For security reasons, I need to be sure that all high-speed images acquired by my Phantom camera are erased. How are these images stored? And, how can I erase them?
How do I get my video into your Gallery? Is there some way to be notified anytime Vision Research introduces new products, or posts software or firmware updates to the web site? All other countries require an export license. What is the best way to clean my Phantom high-speed camera sensor and lenses? Tech Tips Cleaning must always be done in a controlled and dust-free environment. Always have clean sensor wipes handy for more serious dirt.
Cotton swabs aren’t a good idea, unless they are wrapped in a micro fiber or sensor wipe material. Cotton swabs leave behind more than they remove. NEVER blow on the sensor surface or use your finger to get a speck of dust off, it’s going to make things much worse. Always keep the Phantom Body cap on the camera when there is no lens attached. Lens cleaning Lenses gather a lot of dust as well, which can also wreak havoc on your images.
What type of training classes do you offer? On-site training is available. Is there a place where I can see all of your cameras on one page? Technical Support Collapse. Can I create a log to capture issues with my camera and controller? To create a log, perform the following steps: Start the Phantom application.
Close and restart the Phantom application. Perform the steps to create the issue in question. Exit the Phantom application. Create a C:LOG directory. Attach PhCon. The format for the file is CAM. How can I change the IP address of my camera from the default? NOTE If the control unit does not detect the camera, re-check the settings of the control unit. How do I find the firmware versions running in my camera? I’ve installed Phantom Software and assigned the controller’s IP address and my camera won’t communicate with the controller, what’s wrong?
What should I do? My image quality is not as good as it used to be. What should I do to fix the problem? Here is how you do it: 1. Press OK 4. The controller will respond with “? The controller will respond with “Ok! The controller will respond with “OK! Close the Command Prompt window, power cycle the camera. When contacting Technical Support, you should have the following information: 1. If you have image problems, a frame Cine would be helpful.
Phantom Cameras Collapse. How do you determine the light sensitivity of your cameras? I want to use my slow motion video camera for capturing underwater events. Do you have any underwater housings available? What are the sensor dimensions for my camera? How do I clean my high speed digital camera after it was used in dusty or sandy environments?
What is the best way to clean my Phantom high-speed cameras’ sensor and lenses? They leave behind more than they remove. What is “circular buffer” or “loop” recording? Can I get a datasheet for my discontinued cameras? Or, you can find them under the Support by Model menu selection. I need to have wireless remote control over a camera. How can I do this? Phantom Rentals Collapse. I am looking for information on a renting a Phantom digital high speed video camera.
Who do I need to contact? Do you rent worldwide? What is your minimum and maximum rental periods? If I rent a camera from you, what all is included?
We also offer lights, tripods and other accessories. All items are shipped in a rugged case. Can you describe the cooling system for the Phantom v, v, v and v?
The TE cooler is typically bonded to a heat sink cooled by an active fan-based cooling system. The v, v, v and v all have a 10Gb Ethernet interface. Tell me more about it and how to use it. Can I use a viewfinder with the v, v, v and v? Do the v, v, v and v support the use of Canon EOS lenses with software control over aperture and focus? What signals are available on the Capture Connector on the back of the camera, and which of those are provided on the standard Capture Cable that ships with the camera?
See the related FAQ. Can I use any Vision Research power supply with the v, v, v and v? When the switch is moved to the ON position, the camera will power-up immediately provided there is power connected to the Primary DC Power port OR the Battery Backup port on the camera There are several use-cases this scheme enables: Battery backup for mission critical tests: Set the camera to AUTO.
Power through the Primary input and provide local battery backup power to the Battery Backup input. If primary power is lost, camera operation will continue and data is protected by the battery backup.
Remote power cycle: If the camera will need to have power cycled remotely, set the switch to AUTO and do not use a battery for battery backup. Battery operation: Connect a battery to the Battery Backup port. Set the switch to ON. I see there are two power input ports. How do these work? The battery backup port will not charge a connected battery. Tell me more about the GPS port on the back of the camera. These cameras can have a lot of memory in them!
How long does it take to save a shot from these cameras? Will the liquid in the heat pipes freeze and damage the heat pipes if the camera is stored or transported at temperatures below freezing?
What is the worst case power draw of the camera that I would use to calculate battery requirements? Is it true that a camera that runs this fast must be powered by either dilithium or silithium crystals?
Phantom VEO Collapse. Tell me more about the CFast workflow. Can you use a battery with Phantom VEO cameras? Phantom Miro R-Series Collapse. What is the difference between the new Rxx1 cameras and the previous Rxx0 cameras?
What is the power input spec for the camera? And, under what circumstances does the camera switch to battery power? What video formats are available? Is the image cropped or scaled to fit the screen? What does the Autoset button do? Can you record directly to the CineFlash? CineFlash Dock Installation Instructions. Can I play cines stored on the CineFlash while it is still in the camera?
Can you download from the CineFlash directly from the camera? Is there any way to tell the state of the battery as far as run time remaining? Does the camera charge the battery? What do the LEDs on the back of the camera indicate? Power Indicator The Power LED, located between the Capture and Power connectors on the right-hand side of the camera’s rear panel near the center, provides a visual indication of camera power status and firmware integrity.
For example, if I type in a desired resolution of x , the software changes it to x In the past, when I set up the camera to take multiple cines, each cine could have its own settings.
Now, all the cines must share common settings. What is the expected lifetime of a Phantom CineFlash? What is the difference between the new LCxx1 cameras and the previous LCxx0 cameras? Otherwise, all specs and menu options are exactly the same between the two versions. What is the resolution and size of the touchscreen? Is the touchscreen resistive or capacitive?
When running under battery power, the touchscreen seems to be less responsive. This is not an issue when the camera is running on AC power. Is it possible to re-set the touchscreen, in case it becomes less responsive over time? Can you use a stylus with the Miro LC screen? How well does the LCD screen work in daylight? Is there any way to select multiple cines for deletion or saving? How can I cancel and reset the in-point or out-point that I set in the playback screen?
Can I scrub through the video on the playback screen? Is there any difference in battery life between the M and LC-Series cameras? What is going on? Phantom Miro C Collapse. Can I use any Ethernet cable with the Miro C? I have an old Miro power supply. Can I just use that one? The C looks like the C Is it Hi-G? Can it be used with a Miro Junction Box?
What are all of the available signals for the C? What is the worst case power draw of the cameras? Does the breakout box work with these cameras? What signals are available? Phantom Miro and Model Specific Collapse. What is the difference between the Phantom Miro and the Phantom Miro ?
If the Miro and don’t have video output, how do I frame, focus and review recording? How do I access the signals for controlling or monitoring the camera? The LAB3a10 at x and with 10 micron pixels, has an image circle that is greater than 18 mm diameter. What lensing can I use to cover that area? Phantom Flex4K Collapse. Why is the only option ProRes HQ? Will additional ProRes formats and resolutions be added? How does Flex4K audio recording work? What are the main differences between the Phantom Flex and Flex4K?
On-camera controls The Flex 2K has basic controls on the left side of the camera. Video features The Flex 2K has two 1. How do you get the files off the CineMag IV? There are a lot of video outputs and options on the Flex4K. How do the different video modes work? The camera supports: 1.
How long can you record with the Flex4K? What is the size and weight of the Flex4K camera? Phantom Flex Collapse. What are the benefits of over sampling and using image scaling? There are two main benefits from oversampling on the Phantom Flex camera: When shooting at full resolution of x or x for aspect ratio , the active sensor area When an over-sampled image is scaled to HD, the scaling process tends to reduce noise and increase dynamic range.
Scaling can be done automatically in-camera for the video signals from the camera, and it can be done in post-production using compatible tools. What is the “field replaceable pin array” included with my Phantom Flex? What is this and how do I access this mode?
Why are the exposure times available to me in HQ mode different from what is available in Standard mode on the Phantom Flex? Phantom Software Collapse. Why does the overall PCC display layout appear re-arranged on different computers? Does Phantom software work with Mac computers? Or, only PCs? What is a Cine file?
How to work with Cine Raw files in Adobe Premiere. How do I convert a Cine movie to other video formats? How do I batch process cine files into image sequences i. Here is an alternate way to get Phantom Cine files into Final Cut Pro for editing: Use “Process and Convert” in the Phantom software to create a directory that contains sequential TIFF files, each file representing a frame in the cine. When the convert process is done, move the external disk to the Macintosh computer and mount it.
Optionally but recommended copy the whole directory to a Mac volume. You will need to decide what your “play” frame rate will be at this point. Do “Save As You won’t be able to save into the same folder as your TIFF files unless you moved that folder to a Mac disk drive.
However, that is a good idea, that way your reference movie and all the frames it points to are in a single directory on the Mac. You now have that clip in FCP, ready for editing. But first, go to your sequence settings and create a setting that matches the resolution of the cine and be sure to select the “TIFF” compressor. This will give you a “real time” timeline that avoids rendering during editing.
Of course if you apply any filters, etc. When you are done editing, color correcting, etc. You can now use Compressor, Sorenson Squeeze or Telestream Episode to convert your movie to any desired formats and compression schemes.
The Quicktime movie is your master. Miro Junction Box Collapse. Which cameras can I use with the Miro Junction Box? If JBoxes are connected together, how many power sources are needed? Are there two types of Bluetooth dongles? What are the differences? How far can the Phantom Bluetooth Module transmit data? Is there a way to use the wireless RCU with a Miro?
I understand there are several models of CineMag — What are the differences? Are there any portable 10Gb Ethernet download solutions? What are the differences between a CineFlash and a CineMag? CineFlash and CineDock Collapse. Is there a limit to the number of cine files that I can store on a CineFlash? Phantom Camera Control Software Version. Phantom Product Families.
If you do not see your camera model below, please also check our ‘Discontinued Models’ section. Discontinued Models. Camera Hardware Help File, Ver 3. It allows the end user to view multiple saved cine files that were captured from multiple cameras, networked together, recording the same event from different camera angles.
Rarely, a pin can be accidentally bent or broken if a CineMag is improperly inserted. Having a spare part on hand can be a life saver. They are intentionally kept brief so that you can start using your camera as quickly as possible. Phantom Quick Starts. Performing a Camera Firmware Update This document will provide a step by step procedure for performing an update to the firmware in a Phantom camera.
Document revision: 5. Here are several recommendations from our technicians to ensure that you have a successful firmware upgrade: You should never do a firmware upgrade when running on battery power. Ensure the camera is connected to AC power.
You should perform the upgrade using Phantom version or PCC version or higher. If you do not have version or higher please contact Vision Research. If for some reason the firmware upgrade fails, the camera will likely need to be returned to Vision Research for service.
Please contact support visionresearch. Sync To Trigger The sync to trigger function allows temporally consistent and replicable start of acquisition frames exposures in relation to the trigger signal actuation. Burst Mode Acquisition The Burst Mode Acquisition feature, designed for use in PIV Particle Imaging Velocimetry , combustion, or other applications where precise and repeatable frame acquisition is required, has been introduced on selected Phantom v-Series cameras. Measurements with PCC High-speed motion analysis has been a primary tool to measure moving objects by the defense, scientific, and industrial communities for years.
Using the 2-D motion analysis tools incorporated in our PCC Phantom Camera Control software essentially turns your Phantom camera into an extremely effective test instrument. Vision Research understands that any motion analysis tool must be easy to use, without sacrificing the ability to extract and quantify motion from a file.
With our measurement features, the end-user can easily perform; coordinate, distance, velocity, angels and angular speed measurements, along with the ability to track multiple points or objects to compute their speed or acceleration. These measurement tools provide a motion analysis system that harmonizes measured data with images.
Image-Based Auto-Trigger Image-Based Auto-Trigger is an innovative feature that allows the user to trigger the camera from the motion detected in the live image. The camera may also provide an external trigger signal based on the Image-Based Auto-Trigger to be used for synchronizing multiple Phantom cameras.
The Image-Based Auto Trigger feature may be available via an on-camera user interface, Phantom application software, or 3rd party software using camera control protocols. Auto Exposure Auto Exposure is a feature in all Phantom V-Series and Miro cameras which, when enabled, adjusts the overall exposure of the image based on the light level.
This is beneficial when the overall lighting changes dramatically during a recording. As the light changes, the camera automatically adjust the exposure time to maintain a constant image exposure. Image Search The goal is to find an image change in the recording, based on the difference between image content, triggered by the change of a certain percentage of the pixels.
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It will let you import and edit digitally recorded premeire by eliminating the time taking transcoding process. This would be compatible with 64 bit windows. Download Here. Adobe Premiere pro. Rsquirements July 14, at AM. Unknown March 29, at PM. Unknown August 28, at PM. Amanet Ali February 17, at AM. Unknown April 18, at PM.
Wazdanecupid October 4, at PM. Kanika Sharma April 30, at PM. Mala December 19, at AM. William March 27, at AM. Google Input is ready. Read more. January 08, It is full offline installer standalone setup of Adobe Photoshop CC The requirementx of Adobe Photoshop is unparallel and the professional artists as well as designers prefer this application for editing your photos. You can also download Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Photoshop CC provides you endless possibilities of image manipulation and that too without making any compromise on quality.
It has got all the impressive features like intelligent auto-correction, HDR imaging, color management, animations, histogram palettes, brushes, layer control and accurate selection tools etc.
Adobe Photoshop CC allows you to apply quick picture correction operations like removing the chromatic aberrations, vignetting and lens distortions etc. With this tool. January 06, Adobe Master Collection CC Overview Adobe Master Collection CC is an imposing suite of application developed by Adobe Systems and it provides you heaps of options for creating graphics, developing the websites, editing the videos as well as photos.
Sgstem also provides you a comprehensive set of phone applications and some optional mobile cloud fref. Adobe Acrobat is used for creating PDF files. With Adobe After Effects you are able to create some of the most fred visuals for your movies. With Adobe Fog you c.